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"Though argument does not create conviction, lack of it destroys belief.
What seems to be proved may not be embraced; but what no one
shows the ability to defend is quickly abandoned. Rational argument does not
create belief, but it maintains a climate in which belief may flourish."
(Austin Farrer on C. S. Lewis.)
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Latest Articles
January 2017
September 2016
July 2016
June 2016
March 2016
February 2016
January 2016
November 2015
October 2015
- Geology of the Book of Mormon by
- Hebraisms and other ancient Peculiarities in the Book of Mormon by
- Hebrew Names Book of Mormon "Hits" by
- Implications of Eight Times and Seasons Articles That Allude to the Book of Mormon in Conjunction with Mesoamerica, Including Seven Articles That Deal with the Explorations of John Lloyd Stephens by
- John Bernhisel’s Gift to a Prophet: Incidents of Travel in Central America and the Book of Mormon by
- Nephites among the Epi-Olmec in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, ca. 100 BC to AD 400 by
- Stela 31 from Tikal by
- The King and the Tree of Life: Evidence of Pre-Columbian Contact by
- The Treason of the Geographers: Mythical “Mesoamerican” Conspiracy and the Book of Mormon by
- Zarahemla Revisited: Neville’s Newest Novel by
- Ziff, Magic Goggles, and Golden Plates by
September 2015
- 10. What Role Do “Desolate Cities” Play in Locating Book of Mormon Lands? by
- 16. What Caused the Three Days of Darkness after the Crucifixion? by
- 17. Who Were the Twenty-four Survivors of the Final Battle? by
- 18. What Are the Towers Referred to in the Book of Mormon? by
- 19. Were Most Jaredites Killed Near the Hill Ramah? by
- 20. Did Moroni Foresee the Time of His Death? by
- 5. Are Any Book of Mormon Cities Buried in Lakes? by
- Book of Mormon Geography in Neville-Nevilleland by
- Chiasmus in Mayan Texts by
- Isthmus of Tehuantepec: Not the “Narrow Neck of Land” by
- Response to Jonathan Neville’s The Lost City of Zarahemla by
- The Prophecies and Promises of 1 Nephi 13:30–31 That Invalidate the Heartland Theory for New World Book of Mormon Geography by
- “Nearly Surrounded by Water:” An Analysis of What Mormon Meant and What He Did Not Mean by
August 2015
- Additional Truth and the Proof: River Sidon Ran North, Not South by
- Answers to Letter Questions and Concerns by
- Anti-Nephi-Lehies, the Miracle Lamanites by
- Examining the Heartland Hypothesis as Geography by
- Remarkable Book of Mormon Evidences Hidden in Plain Sight: More Hebraic Patterns in The Book of Mormon by
- The Environment of the Lehites in the New World Land of Promise by
- The Importance of Locating the Jaredites by
- The Narrow Strip of Wilderness Was Mountainous by
- The Treaty Line of AD 350: Its Paramount Geographic Importance by
- Warfare Arenas and Their Implications for Book of Mormon Geography by
July 2015
- 11 . What Advantage Did Mormon Seek by Selecting Cumorah as the Site for the Final Battle? by
- 12. Could the Book of Mormon Events Have Taken Place in South America? by
- 13. Did Moroni Bury the Plates More Than Once? by
- 14. Where Are the “South Countries” Spoken of by Mormon? by
- 15. Is There Evidence That Mormon and Moroni Visited the American West? by
- 6. How Bad Was the Destruction at the Time of the Crucifixion? by
- 7. Do Remnants of the Maya Language Appear in the Book of Mormon? by
- 8. Are Ruin Sites on the Yucatan Peninsula Related to the Book of Mormon? by
- 9. Does Cerro Bernal Meet the Description of the Hill Cumorah? by
- Interpreting “Mormon’s Geographical Map” via Alma 22:27–35 and Alma 50:1–36 by
- Response to Jerry L. Ainsworth’s Article, “Identifying the Book of Mormon’s Narrow Pass” by
- Revisiting "A Key for Evaluating Nephite Geographies"√ by
- The Deuteronomist Reforms and Lehi’s Family Dynamics by
- The “Heartland Model”: The Rest of the Story by
- Where is the New World somewhere of the Book of Mormon?" by
June 2015
- 1. Did Lehi and His Family Encounter Other People upon Arriving in the Americas and, If So, Whom? by
- 2. How Does Your Concept of Book of Mormon Lands Differ from Maps Drawn by Others? by
- 3. What Changes Occurred in Book of Mormon Lands at the Time of the Crucifixion? by
- 4. Is the Lamanite City of Jerusalem Sunk in Lake Atitlan? by
- Archaeology, Relics, and Book of Mormon Belief by
- Basic Questions with Answers - Book of Mormon by
- Geographical inconsistencies in Great Lakes model by
- Identifying the Book of Mormon’s Narrow Pass by
- What's in a Jaredite Name? by
May 2015
- Authors' Guidelines by
- Comments on Ted Dee Stoddard’s “Thick Darkness” by
- Cutting Down a Tree: a Metaphor for Death in Scripture and Mesoamerica by
- Did Book of Mormon witnesses simply see the golden plates with their 'spiritual eyes'? by
- DNA Summary by
- Eight Major Features of Book of Mormon Geography by
- Identifying the Nephites by
- Volcanoes in The Book of Mormon by
- Why the Oxford English Dictionary by
- Zarahemla: Its Size and Its Rise and Fall by
- Zelph, the White Lamanite by
- “Check Please”: Shysters, Conmen, and Flimflam Artists by
April 2015
- Beheading (Decapitation) Traditions in the Scriptures by
- Book of Mormon and DNA Studies by
- Chiamus in Mayan Texts by
- Commentary on the Book of Ether Chapters 3-5 by
- Commentary on the Book of Ether Chapters 7-9 by
- Commentary on the book of Ether Chapter 6 by
- Cultural Commentary on the book of Ether Chapter 2 by
- Destruction and Disaster in 3 Nephi and the Geology of Mesoamerica by
- Historicity Implications of Mormon’s “Whoopses” by
- Toward Becoming a Gospel Scholar by
- Volcanoes and the Historicity of the Book of Mormon by